Report an Incident.

Borderlands for Equity looks to fill a much needed role in the San Diego community for women, people of color, and other marginalized groups to combat the persecution and discrimination they face without being privy to their human and civil rights. We provide information, education, and legal assistance to combat these injustices. If you feel you have been discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, religion, and/or ethnicity please fill out our Incident Intake Form and we will have someone from our team get back to you soon. Thank you.

Borderlands for Equity
(619) 867-7514

5638 Lake Murray Blvd. #432
La Mesa, CA


Disclaimer: The submission and delivery of this form does not, in and of itself, constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship nor any other contract between Borderlands for Equity and any person, entity, or group. Please be advised that the submission and delivery of this form does not thereby give rise to any of the legal or ethical protections of the attorney-client relationship with respect to any legal privilege or ethical duty running between client and attorney, including without limitation, the attorney client privilege.